Transforming ideas into reality, one project at a time.

I've worked on tons of projects over the years but these are the ones that I'm most proud of. All of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

Web Development | Cloud

StorycraftAI - AWS Serverless Stories Generator

StorycraftAI is an an automated Event Driven AI bedtime story generation application using serverless technologies (AWS Lambda, EventBridge Scheduler), OpenAI for generating stories, DALL-E for images, and AWS Polly for text to speech, delivering unique stories, configured by parents, daily for a personalized bedtime experience.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

Aurius - Ecommerce application

Aurius is an ecommerce application for electronic devices using which shop owners can easily upload products without any technical support and users can enjoy a seamless shopping experience.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

ShareMe - File Sharing App

ShareMe is a file sharing web app that generates links to share files of multiple formats among different people without any need to create an account.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

Meetsync - Video Conferencing app

Meetsync is a real-time video conferencing application that facilitates seamless virtual meetings. It uses Socket.IO for real-time signaling and PeerJS for direct peer-to-peer connections.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

PromptifyAI - ChatGPT enhanced

PromptifyAI is an advanced version of ChatGPT, offering additional features to users. It allows chat storage in the cloud, ensuring conversations are saved permanently. In addition, the project offers tried and tested prompts to improve search experience for the users.

GitHub Repo
Backend Development | Python | FastAPI

SocialAPI - FastAPI backend for a social media app

SocialAPI is a social media app built using FastAPI. It has four main routes: the Post Route, which allows users to create, delete, update, and view posts; the Users Route, where users can be created and searched by ID; the Auth Route, which handles user registration and login; and the Vote Route, which implements an upvote system. The application is deployed on a virtual machine using an Nginx server.

GitHub Repo
Web Development | Django | NextJs

Rentify - House Rental Platform

Rentify is a house rental platform. The frontend of the application is built using NextJs, Typescript, Tailwind CSS and the backend is built using Python, Django, PostgreSQL. The backend is containerized and is deployed on a VM instance in the cloud using an Nginx Server.

GitHub Repo
Web Development | Blockchain Development

BlockBnb - Decentralized House Rental Platform

BlockBnb is a decentralized application built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a rental marketplace where users can list, book, and review apartments. The project revolves around DappBnb.sol, a Solidity-written Ethereum smart contract. It leverages the OpenZeppelin library to ensure secure and standardized development of the contract.

GitHub Repo
App Development

HotBox - Order Pizza Online

HotBox is a React Native application for ordering pizza online. It allows admins to add and update pizzas, and enables users to order their favorite pizza and check its status in realtime. Real-time push notifications are integrated to update users on the status of their orders and to alert admins when new orders are placed.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

AlphaStonks - Stock Data Platform

AlphaStonks is an online platform for stock market data. It shows top-performing and underperforming stocks, offers stock details and financials, and provides Line, Candlestick, and Bar charts. It includes a quick search feature for your favorite stocks.

GitHub Repo
Web Development (Hackathon Project)


ElevateX hooks up folks with big ideas – entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors all in one platform. Whether you're hustling for funds, craving some wisdom, or scouting the next cool thing, we got you covered.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

PocketURL - URL shortner

PocketURL is the most efficient URL shortner. It is written in Golang and uses Redis as Database. It can be used to shorten any URL and users can even set custom short URLs for extra personalization.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

MorphX - File Convertor

MorphX lets you convert images, videos, and audio files with 100% security and privacy – all within your browser. No file uploads to servers, no third-party access. Just seamless conversions, right inside your browser.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

SnapCode - Code Screenshots

Go beyond basic screenshots! SnapCode lets you customize your code visuals with themes, backgrounds, syntax highlighting and enables you to share it directly to your social media platforms.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

Auctioneer - Online Auction System

Auctioneer is an online auction system that is secure, transparent, and packed with features. Bid with confidence, track auctions in real-time, and experience the power of online bidding like never before.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

BackToLife - Image Regeneration App

BackToLife is a cutting-edge image regeneration app that allows users to restore old photos by removing scratches and other damage. The app leverages Microsoft's powerful "Bring old images back to life" machine learning model, which is hosted on ReplicateAI.

GitHub Repo
Machine Learning

Spam Classifier

The Spam Classifier is a web application that accurately classifies messages as spam or not spam. It uses the Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm with a precision of 100% and an accuracy of 97.2%.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

GPT3 Modern UI/UX Website

The GPT3 Modern UI/UX Website features a sleek and modern user interface, providing an optimal user experience across all devices.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

Omnifood - Landing page for a food company

Omnifood is a one-page landing page for a food delivery company, showcasing sections such as features, testimonials, pricing, and a sign-up form.

GitHub Repo
Web Development

Mapty - Running/Cycling Tracker

Mapty is a website that allows users to track running and cycling workouts by logging location, distance, time, pace, and steps/minute. Users can view their workouts on a map or in a list.

GitHub Repo
App Development

Flashchat - Chat application

Flashchat is a modern messaging app built with Flutter and Dart. Users can sign up or log in to chat with friends. The app is equipped with a cloud-based NoSQL database and secure authentication methods through Firebase Firestore and Firebase authentication.

GitHub Repo
App Development

Crypto Price Tracker

Crypto Price Tracker is a mobile app that enables users to track their cryptocurrency investments. The app allows users to monitor their crypto investments on the go, making it a convenient tool for crypto enthusiasts.

GitHub Repo
Python Project

Email Automation

Email Automation is a Python application that uses speech recognition to automatically send emails with user-defined subjects and body content.

GitHub Repo